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It's never been more important.
高新区发力新基建 重大项目推进加速 应用场景日益丰富:17 小时前 · 2021 06/18 09:51 来源 无锡日报 分享 发力新基建,高新区在行动。近日,无锡汉和航空技术有限公司与中国联通举行5G战略合作签约,共同打造5G ...
In focus
The most up-to-date provisional figures for deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) in England and Wales.
Coronavirus - faster indicators
The latest data and experimental indicators on the UK economy and society.
Coronavirus roundup
Our summary of the latest data and analysis related to the coronavirus pandemic.
ONS blogs
Find out more about the work ONS is doing to respond to the challenge of the pandemic.
Around the ONS
Where to find statistics covering specific areas.
How we use and manage data to provide statistics for the public.
Producing new analysis and insights to support key policy areas.
Other government statistics
Official Statistics available from across government.